Treating the Common Cause,
Not the Manifestation
From diet change to surgery, there are many ways to tackle the problem of obstructed defecation.
Most of them are prescribed to solve defecation-related disorders, including constipation, pelvic floor damage, anal fissure, and others.
Colorec bowel aid works during the process of defecation itself, solving the problem of obstructed defecation as it happens.
Our Mission
It is simple: “We Provide Innovative Medical Solutions” – because this is what we do best. Any product that carries our brand name has to be Innovative, of Exceptional Quality and Effective in delivering better and safer technologies that enhance people’s life.
This can only be fulfilled through dedication and strive towards continuous innovation. To us, being innovative means creating, searching and implementing newer and better, even avant-garde, solutions.
Colorec is one of our breakthrough, innovative designs and development. It is a special device – Posterior HPS that is attached to the toilet seat. It is the latest technology in the treatment of many perineal disorders including Anal Fissure, Haemorrhoids and Constipations. HPS is anatomically designed to provide optimum support in the most comfortable way for its users. On top of it all, it is internationally patented.
Dread going to the toilet?
No more!
Forget straining, bleeding or even pain with the recolutionary Colorec bowel aid. It’s the perfect solution to make sitting down at the toilet actually enjoyable, if not a totally easy & effort-free experience!
How COLOREC Bowel Aid Works!
Who Need It ?
If things get out of motion, have a Colorec Bowel Aid!
How do you know if you need Colorec bowel aid in your toilet?
Frequent straining when you pass motions is one big cule.
If you are suffering from constipation |
If you are aging |
If you are pregnant References / ????: 1. Gojnic M, Dugalic V, Papic M, Vidakovic S, Milicevic S, Pervulov M. The significance of detailed examination of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol. 2005. |
If you have just given birth |
Awards & Study ?
Ease of Defecation, Ease of Mind
- Silver medal for Best Invention in Biotechnology and Health category. International Invention and Technology Exhibition ITEX 2007
- Malaysian Best Innovative Product Award, International Invention and Technology Exhibition ITEX 2007
Clinical studies done with Colorec:
1. Gee T et al.Ano-coccygeal support in the treatment of idiopathic chronic posterior anal fissure: a prospective non-randomised controlled pilot trial.Tech Coloproctol. 2012 Sep 15.
2. Aaron et al. Innovations in chronic anal fissure treatment: A systemic review. World Journal Gastrointestinal Surgery. 2010July;2(27): 231-241.
3. Chung Ming Chen, Francis Seow-Choen. Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Topical Nitroglycerin And Posterior Perineal Support With Topical Nitroglycerin Only For Chronic Anal Fissure. Vol.2 (2010)/ Issue 1/ Articles. World Journal of Colorectal Surgery.
Other scientific of Colorec publications:
1. Kok – Yang Tan et al. Posterior Perianal Support As Treatment For Anal Fissure- Preliminary Result With A New Toilet Seat Device. Technique Coloproctology (2009) Volume 13 March.
2. Robin K.S. Phillips and Sue Clerk. Fifth edition. Colorectal Surgery:Companion to Specialist Surgical Practice. 2013
Other related scientific publications / Clinical papers done on similar principle of pelvic floor support for constipation and pelvic floor disorders.
1. Leung et al. Chronic Constipation: An Evidence-Based Review. 10.3122/jabfm.2011.04.100272 J Am Board Fam Med July-August 2011 vol. 24 no. 4 436-451
2. C. Amselem et al. Constipation: a potential cause of pelvic floor damage? Neurogastroenterol Motil (2010) 22, 150-e48
3. Berkelmans I at al. Perineal descent at defecography in women with straining at stool: a lack of specificity or predictive value for future anal incontinence? Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol.1995 Jan;7(1):75-9.
4. Parks AG et al. The syndrome of the descending perineum. Proc R Soc Med. 1966 Jun;59(6):477-82.
5. Shafik A et al. Study of the levator ani muscle in the multipara: role of levator dysfunction in defecation disorders. J Obstet Gynaecol.2002 Mar;22(2):187-92.
6. Berkelmans I at al. Perineal descent at defecography in women with straining at stool: a lack of specificity or predictive value for future anal incontinence? Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 1995 Jan;7(1):75-9.
7. Olsen AL, Rao SS. Clinical neurophysiology and electrodiagnostic testing of the pelvic floor. Gastroenterol Clin North Am. 2001;30:33-54. v-vi.
8. Soligo M. Patterns of constipation in urogynecology: clinical importance and pathophysiologic insights. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2006 Jul;195(1):50-5. Epub 2006 Apr
9. Apostolis C et al. Assessment of women with defecatory dysfunction and manual splinting using dynamic pelvic floor magnetic resonance imaging. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg. 2012 Jan-Feb;18(1):18-24. doi: 10.1097/SPV.0b013e31823bdb98.
10. Iglesia, Cheryl B. MD et al. Vaginal Mesh for Prolapse: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Obstetrics & Gynecology: August 2010 – Volume 116 – Issue 2, Part 1 – pp 293-303. doi:
11. 1097/AOG.0b013e3181e7d7f8
12. Charach G et al. Alleviating constipation in the elderly improves lower urinary tract symptoms. Geronology. 2001 Mar- Apr; 47(2):72-6
13. MARCO SOLIGO. Complex pelvic problems – a multidisciplinary perspective. Servizio di Uroginecologia, U.O. Ginecologia e Ostetricia – Ospedale San Carlo Borromeo, Milano 2009
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